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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Poppin Bottles

A Night For Celebration
Tonight was a night to celebrate for a couple of Cardinals players, and all of the Cardinals fans.  Darnell Dockett gets to celebrate because he finally got his well deserved contract extension today.  Calais Campbell gets to celebrate because its his 24th birthday.  The fans get to celebrate because we don't have to worry about the CEO of the Birdgang going anywhere anymore, and it shows the organization is willing to pay to keep the top guys around. 

I can't tell you how great it is to see Dockett finally get rewarded with the contract extension that he deserved.  He has been as great a Cardinal as we fans can ask for, on the field and off, and it's great to see him join A-Dub in the future member of the ring of honor club.  I think we are probably going to retire the Nine-0 one day now since he is staying, but I'm getting ahead of myself because that won't be for awhile.  He just hit his prime.  He has quite a few years left where he is going to continue to wreak havoc on the NFL.  

It's also great to see the Bidwills and the organization give these guys what they deserve, and it shows they are willing to pay to keep the core group of guys like Rod has been saying for a long time.  The Bidwills have had a bad rap for a long time, and hopefully this will help to change those perceptions.  I don't think they've deserved it.  It's sad to see guys like Q, Antrel, Dansby, Antonio Smith, and Pace leave but they can't pay them all, and they tried to pay some of them and they chose to leave.  That's what makes Darnell Dockett extra special for choosing to want to stay and continue to build this team here even though others are leaving. 

I have to give Calais his birthday shout out as well.  I can't believe he only turned 24 today.  That means he hasn't even hit his prime yet.  We are going to have to think up a good nickname for him and Dock, because they are going to give quarterbacks nightmares this season.  Hopefully Calais had a good birthday, but I'm pretty sure he didn't have a good a day as Darnell did.  Calais will have his big contract day one day soon if he plays the way I think he's going to play, and hopefully he'll have a press conference with Whiz and Rod as well.



  1. To Ozzy's point and piggy-backing on the blog from Bickley recently,the little 3:45 news conference was evidence of how this franchise has truly changed.....most people I would argue (including national media based on tweets I saw) were expecting and hoping for a juicy news about Matty, which has "negative" undertones regardless of which side you are on. However, the presser was for an entirely positive purpose...sorry guys, maybe you should make like our starting QB position and CHANGE.

  2. And speaking of Matty, I can't help but think about how right DD has played everything with the media after some "questionable" things last few years (go to You Tube if you don't know what I am talking about) and how wrong Matty has played everything in past week or's like DD realized he was only hurting himself and completely revamped his image while Matty decided to show just how grandiose his delusions of granduer truly are. This Notre Dam fan is thrilled Matty is getting the boot. Now we just need to find a new (real) quarterback...
