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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Birdgang vs Dirty Birds Rundown

A Game To Forget

I'm trying to forget that game but the team better not.  I needed a few days to digest that loss before I could write about it.  I didn’t want to come out and put the whole team on blast for a lackluster effort.  It was an ugly game for the offense and the defense.  I have to think some of it had to do with west coast teams travelling to the east coast for an early game.  Historically, that never works out well for the travelling team, but we can't make excuses for that pitiful effort.
The Defense
The defense was the most disappointing part of the game for me.  I was kind of expecting the offense to struggle.  The Falcons offense came out of the gate and wanted it more.  The non-stop penalties by the defense just killed them.  They couldn’t stop a drive and get off the field because everyone was getting flags thrown on them.  I'm glad Whiz said he was embarrassed, and I hope everyone on that defense felt the same way.  They are going to need to come out next week with a lot more fire and intensity.  It's a good thing we have the home crowd to cheer them on. 
While I have an undying trust in Whisenhunt, my trust in Billy Davis isn't quite there yet.  Maybe that has to do with giving up 40+ points in the last 3 games against good teams.  We are going to need to have Gabe Watson active and on the field on game days if they are going to continue to struggle against the run.  He is a beast in the middle, and I’m surprised he is the odd man out between B-Rob and the rookie.  By all accounts I’ve read he was training as hard as anyone and had a great camp.  Dockett even tweeted that Gabe was training with him and he was feeding him hot sauce and gunpowder.  If Joey Porter continues to struggle we may be better off in moving back to a 4-3 to fit the personnel we have. 
The Offense
What can you say about an offense that cannot convert a third down?  I can say that it was pathetic to watch.  I really hope Whiz, Mike Miller, and Chris Miller can do something with DA’s consistency.  I don’t understand how some throws can be so pretty and some so awful.  A lot of people are saying they couldn’t protect him, but they were blitzing a lot.  He has got to get the ball out quicker.  Kurt lived for the blitz like that, because he knew he would have an open man and could make them pay.  DA just has to get better.  When he has thrown the ball the first two games, it looks like someone shooting a gun with a curved barrel like the carnies have at the state fair.  You aren’t quite sure how to aim it, because you know its not going to go where you aim it.  You’re always close but never on target, and more times than not it looks ugly.  Sometimes you get a lucky shot in there and it will be right on target, but most of the time you miss badly.  If he can’t play better than he has so far, then winning a playoff game with him is going to be like winning a giant ass panda at Adventureland. 
What Are The Options
So what are the options?  It’s kind of like going to a cheap Vegas buffet, they don’t look good. 
The first option is just to continue working with DA.  He has a rifle for an arm.  He just needs to get more consistent.  Sometimes he makes some amazing throws.  He could use a little help from his receivers and offensive line as well.  He definitely deserves one more start against the Raiders, but if he doesn’t show improvement then it may be time to consider benching him. 
The second option is to go with the rookie and give Max Hall the start.  This becomes the only option if DA continues to throw the ball in the dirt.  Hall looked great in the preseason, but that was the preseason.  He needs a lot more time to learn the offense and the defensive fronts he will be seeing, but if DA can’t complete a pass on third down we have no choice.  Whiz may have to go with the rookie a lot earlier than he ever intended. 
The last option is to send Fitz, Dockett, and A-Dub to LA to bring Kurt home.  I watched him last night and he seems to enjoy the new challenge, but to me he looks like a fish out of water.  He looks much better when he is behind center where he belongs.  I would put this at a million to one, but as Lloyd Christmas would say, “You’re telling me there’s a chance.”  Yes I am, but it’s not a good one.  We as Cardinals fans may have to rally together to get Kurt voted off.  We may need to start a campaign of voting for anybody but Kurt, but I really hope it doesn’t come to that.  He may get voted off next week, but still not have any desire to make a comeback and play football.  It’s not like he is out sitting on a ranch mowing his yard like Favre.  He has a lot of things going on now.
Tough Spot
We are in a tough spot as Cards fans.  I know the fear that comes over us in remembering the dark times before Whiz got here, but because of him I’m not worried.  We can still win this division this year.  We have the talent to do so.  They just need to continue to get better every day.  Once we get Hayes and Doucet back from injury we will be much better, so we just need to make it to the bye week with a decent record.  We are lucky to have Whiz in charge, so I’m confident he will make the right call at the right time.  We may end up having one down year, but I know we will never go back to the losing ways we came from. 

In Whisenhunt We Trust,

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